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25 Nov 2016

AICAR (5-Aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide ribonucleotide) - an analog of AMF which stimulates AMF-zavisimuyu a protein a kinase (AMPK) therefore products of ATP and adenosine increase as a result raises endurance of an organism, blood supply of fabrics improves and accelerates lipolyse. Has other mechanism of action in comparison with the GW 1516 connection with which it is often compared and doesn't possess cancerogenic action. AICAR is for the first time used in the 1980th years during transactions for preserving a blood-groove in a cardiac muscle. Has no relation to SARMs.

Doping tests

In 2009 the French anti-doping agency suspected application of AICAR of the race Tour de France, for the purpose of decrease in fatty weight, increase in endurance and improvement of transport of oxygen. Since 2011 medicine was included into the list of the forbidden means of WADA.

Scientists from the Center for a research of dope (Das Kolner Zentrum fur Praventive Dopingforschung) from the city of Cologne (Germany) developed the method determining availability of AICAR banned drug.

Use in sport

In 2008 researchers of Institute of Solk under the leadership of J. Kim found out that AICAR, depending on intensity of loading, when using it within four weeks at experimental mice considerably increases their working capacity on tredmil, apparently, due to transformation of fast-twitch muscle fibers to more energy efficient, lipidgenerated, slow twitch muscle fibers. You can also like Gotratix.

After ergogen AICAR properties were revealed, medicine received a big popularity in sport, and mass media called them "charging tablets".

Mechanism of action

The mechanism of effect of drug is bound to impact on energy development processes. It increases education and the subsequent oxidation of the fats serving as one of important energy sources at an exercise stress and enlarge rate of a blood flow that provides stable transport of lipids to places of their metabolism. Besides, AICAR is bound to processes of a metabolism of carbohydrates — the main power substance at a long exercise stress therefore this agent is studied for treatment of a diabetes mellitus now.

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