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25 Nov 2016

ACE-031 is the perspective peptide medicine belonging to the class of inhibitors of a miostatin. In its basis there is solution extracellular elements of ActRIIB receptors which are connected to Fc an immunoglobulin G fragment. Effect of medicine is based on blocking of a miostatin (there is a full blocking of a signal through a receptor of ActRIIB ) therefore acceleration of growth of muscle bulk and power indicators is observed.

This peptide has the high potential for application in bodybuilding for the purpose of ensuring the best muscle growth and combustion of fat.

Use in bodybuilding

It is possible to catch results of the researches concerning peptides. In this case it is about one peptide, more precisely, pro-peptide – ACE-031 which is inhibitor of miostatin.

It is necessary to tell that the company which synthesized ACE-031 – Acceleron Pharma – researches in its relation stopped. For a long time or not, it is unknown so far. But pro-peptide is still synthesized by third-party laboratories and comes to the market. Therefore, it is worth talking about it especially as inhibitors of miostatin – rather extensive and interesting subject. In this case, it will be a question of quite official research which results were published in the March issue of the scientific magazine Muscle & Nerve.

48 people participated in research, All of them were women at the age of 45-75 years (women for such experiments get out, as a rule, to minimize influence of third-party factors, in particular, of testosterone). It made only one injection of ACE-031, but different amount: 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.3, 1 and 3 mg on kilogram of dead load. In this case there was quite enough one injection as the period of semi-life of medicine constitutes about 20 days. Concentration in plasma of blood increases quickly enough, reaching a maximum approximately within 3-4 days. After 8-10 days concentration begins to decline gradually.

It is necessary to tell that satisfactory results were received only in case of very considerable amount of injections – 1 and 3 mg on a kilogram of dead load. Other dosages didn't give particular advantage in comparison with injections of placebo. However the "three-milligram" group got an essential rise in volume of muscles – 5 percent. Dry muscle bulk grew by 3%, at the same time a fat quantity left. I will emphasize: three percent for the hundred-kilogram athlete are 3 kg of muscles which "grow" in only two-three weeks.

But it is about MILLIGRAMS on kilogram of weight. And ACE-031 in the vials containing only 1 mg (1000 mkg) is on sale usually. You can imagine how many it is required such vials only for one injection. At last, It is necessary to tell also about why Acceleron Pharma stopped researches concerning the inhibitor of Myostatinum so far. Add some Dexamethazone and Gotratix to your daily training.

The matter is that in earlier experiment on children in some cases at examinees spontaneous bleeding from a nose and gums, and also stretching of blood vessels was revealed. In the experiment described above on women practically at all examinees the FSG level sharply decreased. Perhaps, in these "pobochkakh" is also not present anything dangerous, but experts from Acceleron Pharma decided to understand thoroughly everything – out of harm's way. The same who continues to buy ASE-031 do it to an injection at own risk.

Other peptides

  • GHRP-2
  • GHRP-6 (Geksarelin)
  • GRF(1-29)
  • CJC-1295
  • Ipamorelin
  • HGH Frag (176-191)
  • Melanotan 2
  • TB500

Clinical tests of ACE-031

On May 2, 2013, the press release, Acceleron Pharma and Shire PLC declared that they came to conclusion about the collaboration in ACE-031 and the molecules bound to it and that they won't start restart of this program. John Knopf, the CEO of Acceleron told: "In spite of the fact that we show discontent with results of the ACE-031 program, in too time, thanks to carrying out a research, we received valuable data which can be used in the course of carrying out Acceleron of developments of new bonds, also they will be able to bring in the future benefit to our patients".

Other event dated on May 2, 2013: at communication with Jane Larkindeyl, the vice-president of AMD for researches, Kenneth Atti presenting to Acceleron, and Lawrence Charles from Shire reported that clinical trials of ACE-031 were suspended since February, 2011. "Since that moment", - they continued, - "we presented a series of additional preclinical and toxicological trials, but, unfortunately, results of these researches don't provide their further development". They expressed gratitude of AMD for its participation in the ACE-031 program and noticed that: "Each company is still committed to development of new therapeutic methods of treatment of AMD and other infrequent diseases".

The original story about search is given below - "ACE-031 clinical trials of a muscular dystrophy of Dyushen stop at the moment", - published on May 3, 2011.

On April 21, 2011 the biopharmaceutical companies Acceleron Pharma and Shire declared that the clinical trials of ACE-031 supported by AMD on the muscular dystrophy of Dyushen (MDD) were suspended.

Work on a phase 2 on a research within escalation of a dose of ACE-031 at boys with MDM was stopped, and prolongation of clinical trial for boys which was complete within the initial research, was suspended, based on the preliminary data connected with safety.

Both researches were conducted in Canada, and the plan was in sometime in the future to open the research centers in the USA.

The negative phenomena which participants of testing – insignificant bleedings from a nose and gums faced and blood vessels of skin – as in general, and in itself, weren't recognized as dangerous. Nevertheless, the involved companies and regulating boards say that they need complete understanding of these events before clinical testing of ACE-031 are continued.

Development of ACE-031 was completely discussed in April release of 2011 in the magazine AMD "Quest" devoted to health and quarterly researches. Discussion was published under the heading "Distracting and Unwanted Protein". The companies hope for renewals of testing of ACE-031 after safety issues are completely studied.

Acceleron and Shire complete the researches ACE-031 on rats and monkeys. Researchers will analyze data of people and animals to gain an impression about the received, adverse phenomena. The companies declare that they hope for renewal of testing of ACE-031 in public after results of these analyses are received and considered by Administration of the USA on foodstuff and medicinal substances (FDA), and also the Ministry of Health of Canada.

Acceleron and Shire made on April 21 the following statement:

  • "For the purpose of conservation of a situation at which the Association of a muscular dystrophia of Dyushen will be constantly informed Acceleron and Shire are going to provide the updated data on a condition of the clinical program for ACE-031".
  • "During clinical tests on healthy adults and boys with MDD, at some participants insignificant nasal bleeding, staxis of gums and/or small expansion of blood vessels in a skin was observed. These phenomena were completely eliminated after the treatment termination".
  • "Insignificant bleedings in itself and expansion of blood vessels weren't considered as a serious problem of safety in the context of this research".
  • "Nevertheless, on the basis of the analysis of these data on safety which is carried out together with FDA and the Ministry of Health of Canada, Acceleron stopped A031-03 a research on MDD and suspended carrying out set and dosage within the subsequent expanded research A031-06".
  • "Acceleron and Shire still remain bound to the international clinical program for MDD, and also to the project on development of ACE-031. Pursuing these aims, we express intention to begin carrying out the new researches ACE-031 within work with MDD, the corresponding monitoring on questions, and also the subsequent discussions with regulators will be carried out at the same time".
  • "In the next months we will provide the new information for MDD association as it and is necessary".

Value for the families bound to a muscular dystrophy of Dyushen.

Emergence of the experiences concerning safety bound to an experimental medicinal preparation never is good news to the families hoping for new methods of therapeutic treatment. Nevertheless, clinical trials of an experimental medicinal preparation by the nature is risky. And its advantage for patients who can potentially have serious by-effects has to be considered from the point of view of by-effects which have to be found out before they pose a threat to health or life.

"Though we are disappointed with such turn of events in development of ACE-031, it emphasizes importance of carrying out researches developed and controlled properly" - Sanjay Bidichandani, the vice-president of MDA for researches says".

Also you can study the list of researches.

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