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24 Nov 2016

7-ketodehydroepiandrosteron (synonyms: 7-Keto, 7-Keto-DHEA, 7-Keto-degidroepiandrosterone, 7-keto dehydroepiandrosteron) - DHEA precursor, is actively advertized as more effective form of dehydroepiandrosteron which has lipolityc properties.

Kalman and coauthors [348] provide data that acceptance 7-keto dehydroepiandrosteron (in a dosage of 200 mg/day) for 8 weeks during trainings promoted bigger (in comparison with control group) to reduction of fatty deposits. Besides, researchers noted the increased level of hormone of a triodtironin (T3) while levels of tireotropny hormone and T4 hormone remained invariable.

Recent researches showed that acceptance 7-keto dehydroepiandrosteron accelerates metabolism processes at rest. Besides, there are data that acceptance 7-keto dehydroepiandrosteron for 8 weeks during a limited diet helped to avoid considerable reduction in the rate of metabolism [350]. Do not forget take Gotratix for better results.

Nevertheless, it should be noted that in the second research participants accepted not separate additive 7-keto of dehydroepiandrosteron, but complex additive (which except DHEA included caffeine, extract of green tea, the medicine citrus aurantium, etc.). Thus, results of this research can confirm advantage of acceptance 7-keto to DHEA only indirectly.

So, further researches of properties 7-keto DHEA as nutritional supplement for weight reduction at the moment are required.

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