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BELARUS taekwondo sportsman suspended from the 2016 Olympics due to Meldonium in doping tests

25 Aug 2016

Belarusian team denies the usage of Meldonium (Mildronate)

Belarusian taekwondo Arman-Marshall Silla suspended from competition, which practically excludes its participation in the Olympic Games 2016 in Rio de Janeiro, according to the Belarusian Federation of Taekwondo. The athlete was suspended the decision of the National Anti-Doping Committee of the Republic of Belarus (RB NADA). The doping athlete's sample was found banned drug Meldonium.

According to the Belarusian Federation of Taekwondo, the athlete is completely innocent, because he was not seen for the use of substances, even at a time when Meldonium (Mildronate) was not included in the list of prohibited, as evidenced by the analysis of an athlete, handed in January, February and April this year.

The doctor of the national team Olga Zarko, Arman-Marshall Silla and his personal trainer Julia Suhovitskaya completely deny the use of this drug and agreed to pass a polygraph test and use, which will be held tomorrow, 14 August.

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