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10 ways to remove bruises

29 Oct 2016

Bruise is an extravasation on the skin. It can be formed from accidental injury, after a fight or heavy tweaking. It happens that the bruise on the body occurs at the most inopportune moment. In each case, this appearance can not cause positive emotions, and the first thing to do - is to think about how to quickly get rid of bruises?

10 ways to quickly get rid of a bruise

There are several methods to quickly get rid of bruises. Among them are the 10 most popular ways:

  • In every pharmacy, you can find a tool called fresh-water sponge. It is better that the drug is in the house, because it is an ideal source to combat any irregularities in the skin. This means a small amount is needed to mix with the oil. The second ingredient is also possible to use ordinary water or alcohol. Apply this texture should be right on the bruise. The procedure can be repeated several times a day. Pretty fast way. The very next day a hematoma will be much smaller;
  • Creating a thermal effect will also help for faster time to disguise the bruise. This requires moisten the cloth with warm water and apply it to the sore spot. To enhance the effect must be applied on top of a scarf or other matter;
  • However, it is recommended to make a compress and grinding. It is advisable to do it in conjunction with mustard oil;
  • The fastest, but unpleasant way is to treat the bruise using a pepper patch. It must be applied to the painful area and maintain a few minutes, rapid relief is guaranteed. However, in such a way impossible to treat bruises formed on the face;
  • The most popular method of any skin disease is iodine mesh. Cotton swabs should be dipped in the solution and to portray on-site hematoma grille;
  • The easiest way to treat a bruise - buy medication in the pharmacy. For example, such means are widely known as Vishnevsky Ointment, Ointment Yam BK, "Viprosal B", "Arnica" and "Lioton";
  • Less expensive, but not so spectacular is the treatment of folk remedies. In problem areas need to make plantain leaf and mother-and-stepmother. Hold the plant to bruise takes about 5 minutes. The procedure can be repeated throughout the day;
  • Many years ago, when the drug is not present in such quantities as it is now, as a drug used against bruises medical cake. This method is one of the most effective and currently. For its preparation is required to mix the fresh horseradish, with natural butter and honey. The resulting thick consistency should be applied to the area of a bruise for a few minutes;
  • Another effective tortilla - a mixture of natural clay and salt;
  • Many people in the garden growing horseradish, but not every cottager knows that this is an excellent drug. Grated vegetables should be neatly folded into a cheesecloth. That should make a compress on the area lotion hematoma.

It should be borne in mind that the body of each person has a special structure and individual response to different drugs. In this case, and some fast method of dealing with bruises can act with varying efficiency.

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