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10 tips on how to quickly prevent the appearance of a bruise

29 Oct 2016

Bruise is an extravasation on the skin. It can be formed from accidental injury, after a fight or heavy tweaking. It happens that the bruise on the body occurs at the most inopportune moment.

You can do so after the injury a bruise and does not appear. To avoid this, we must act quickly! There are several ways to prevent bruising:

  • Applying ice. any frozen product can be used instead of the component. Cold actively narrows the blood vessels, which prevents the development of hematoma;
  • If a bruise the size of a small, then in its place you can make a coin, it also has a healing effect;
  • It occurs such that the hand is not no ice, no coins. In this case, treatment becomes a source of regular water. It is possible to dampen any matter and applying to the hematoma as a compress;
  • If possible, it is necessary to make an herbal infusion, which is based on part of the mother-and-stepmother. With it, you can prevent the appearance of bruises. However, the wrap can be done only from the cold liquid;
  • Plantain can be used to treat an injury at any stage of its development;
  • Medications, such as "Bepanten" or heparin ointment, Vishnevsky ointment, Ointment Yuantum BK also prevent bruising;
  • To expand the capillaries and stop the development of hematoma is possible by means of common salt. It needs to be folded neatly into the matter, and wrapped in a bag. Such a compress should be applied to the area of hematoma. However, this method is not suitable if the injury occurred in the eye area;
  • If nearby there is a pharmacy, you can buy it in tincture of Arnica montana, compress it also prevents the formation of hematoma;
  • Any funds based on chestnut camouflage bruising and prevent its occurrence on the skin;
  • Another effective means in this situation - a parsley.

According to health workers, can get rid of a bruise in the case to put pressure on blood vessels. If redness formed, for example, on foot, you can drag it with an elastic bandage. This matter is also sold in drugstores. Dressings can be worn throughout the day, but several times need to remove it and make a break for 30 minutes to avoid the appearance of edema.

The most unpleasant situation - is when the bruise appears on the face. Especially if the owner is a girl. If his appearance could not prevent, then the best option - to paint his powder, foundation or self-tanning cream. Typically, in order to hide it is necessary to use a large amount of cosmetics.

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10 ways to remove bruises

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